Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture

Every member of the Zhongge team is committed to serve you promptly, courteously, and efficiently. Each order will be treated as priority without exception.

A team of professionals dedicated to solve any technical problem

Superior quality with competitive price

Honesty, integrity, loyalty

Quick and responsive customized service

Terms and conditions of service

We deliver what we promise: speed, expertise, and percision. We welcome and thank you for giving us the opportunity to prove ourselves to you!

Korporatiw wezipe

Innowasiýa has gowy durmuş alyp barýar

Korporatiw görnüş

Paýdarlary, buýsançly işgärleri kanagatlandyrýan we jemgyýet tarapyndan hormatlanýan pudakda öňdebaryjy kärhana bolmak


Müşderi ilki bilen açyk hyzmatdaşlyk, bitewilige we täzelige ygrarlylyk we kämillige ymtylmak

Kärhananyň strategiýasy

Zehin ýolbaşçylyk etdi we innowasiýa itergi berdi

“Zhuzhou Zhongge” sementli karbid ş.



Goş99 1099, Pearl derýasynyň demirgazyk ýoly, Týanýuan etraby, huzhou, Hunan

BIZI MA poçta iber

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