Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture

Every member of the Zhongge team is committed to serve you promptly, courteously, and efficiently. Each order will be treated as priority without exception.

A team of professionals dedicated to solve any technical problem

Superior quality with competitive price

Honesty, integrity, loyalty

Quick and responsive customized service

Terms and conditions of service

We deliver what we promise: speed, expertise, and percision. We welcome and thank you for giving us the opportunity to prove ourselves to you!

mîsyona Corporate

Nûbûn rê dide jiyanek çêtir

Vision Corporate

Di pîşesaziyê de bibin pargîdaniyek pêşeng, hîsedarên razî, karmendên serbilind, û ji hêla civakê ve rêzdar


Pêşî xerîdar, hevkariya vekirî, pabendbûna bi yekrêzî û nûbûnê, û lêgerîna jêhatîbûnê

Stratejiya Enterprise

Pêşengiya jêhatî û nûbûnê tê meşandin

Zhuzhou Zhongge Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd.



LêzêdekirinHejmar 1099, Rêya Bakur Çemê Pearl, Navçeya Tianyuan, Zhuzhou, Hunan


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