Corporate Culture
Every member of the Zhongge team is committed to serve you promptly, courteously, and efficiently. Each order will be treated as priority without exception.
A team of professionals dedicated to solve any technical problem
Superior quality with competitive price
Honesty, integrity, loyalty
Quick and responsive customized service
Terms and conditions of service
We deliver what we promise: speed, expertise, and percision. We welcome and thank you for giving us the opportunity to prove ourselves to you!
Verkefni fyrirtækja
Nýsköpun leiðir til betra lífs
Að verða leiðandi fyrirtæki í greininni, fullnægjandi hluthöfum, stoltir starfsmenn og virt af samfélaginu
Viðskiptavinurinn fyrst, opið samstarf, fylgst með heiðarleika og nýsköpun og leit að ágæti
Stefna fyrirtækja
Hæfileikastýrður og nýsköpunardrifinn
Zhuzhou Zhongge Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd.
Bæta við1099, Pearl River North Road, Tianyuan District, Zhuzhou, Hunan
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